Packed with essential minerals such as Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, and Potassium. Tailored to help reduce inflammation, indigestion, and blood pressure to make sure your Alcohol Flush stays as calm and collected as you are.
Desired for its purity, sea salt contains 92 trace minerals, 24 of which have been scientifically proven to be essential in maintenance of optimal health. Along with its ability to soothe and heal inflamed skin, this salt of the gods help to balance acidity levels.
Inflammation reducer, hangover fighter, and fiber provider, Yes all from the vegetable.
Naturally occurring and found in simple everyday foods, Vitamin B9 is an essential component to several bodily functions. It has been shown to slow the absorption of alcohol, while helping to reduce the acidity levels within the liver.
When life gives you lemons... Known for it’s ability to promote healthy skin and help liver function.